Frequently Asked Question
Zoom Camera in RDP
Last Updated 4 years ago
With the new version of Zoom - the camera functionality breaks in remote desktop with default settings. You will need to change a video setting to have the camera work in remote desktop.
To do so (in your remote desktop):
1. Log in to Zoom
2. Click your user icon (top right) and choose settings
3. Select Video setting
4. Make sure there is a camera selected below the preview image
6. Change the Media Capturing Method to 'Media Foundation'
7. Quit Zoom
9. Test camera
To do so (in your remote desktop):
1. Log in to Zoom
2. Click your user icon (top right) and choose settings
3. Select Video setting
4. Make sure there is a camera selected below the preview image
- if there's no camera, then you either do not have a camera or passthrough is not enabled*
6. Change the Media Capturing Method to 'Media Foundation'
7. Quit Zoom
- right click zoom in the taskbar and select Quit Zoom
9. Test camera
- go back to settings
- click on Video and you should see video in the preview window